Handy Tips When Using Taps around the Home

handy tips

Human survival isn’t possible without water which is a finite commodity and can become deficient if not managed properly. Water management can go a long way to help reduce these imminent shortages. Below you will find some handy tips you can use at home to avoid water wastage:


Traditional washers manufactured before 2010 consumed up to 40 liters per load. With the emergence of smart technology, the trend of resource-efficient washers is on the rise. Today’s smart appliances make it possible to achieve a similar goal with as little as 15 liters per load. Always adjust water levels to the quantity required for the load. Luckily, a lot of present-day energy and water-efficient washers will do this automatically. Also, when washing clothes, always opt for full loads instead of doing it over and over again in small batches.


Instead of running the tap constantly, fill the sink with water while washing the dishes. You can achieve a similar goal by using less water and energy with water-efficient dishwashers. Also, dishwashers use considerably less amount of water than hand washing. Defrost meat or other frozen things in the refrigerator overnight instead of using running water to defrost your food. Always make sure to wash a full load of dishes.


Did you know a leaking faucet can waste up to 726.8 liters per month? Therefore, investing in energy-efficient Taps is always a good idea. Before purchasing Taps for your home, always look for the WaterSense label that consumes less amount of water than other traditional alternates. In addition to that, never leave the Tap on when lathering hands or brushing teeth.

Invest in a Smart Landscaping Technology

In case you’ve setup a water irrigation system for your home garden, be certain that it’s properly installed and maintained. A water-based smart controller can help you irrigate hydro -zones according to the plant’s water requirements. A water-efficient irrigation system is incomplete without a rain sensor. Many smart irrigation controllers already have this option inbuilt. However, if it’s not present, you can buy it separately. Make sure you examine the sprinklers routinely to ascertain they’re in good shape.


A normal shower generally can take up to 47-48 liters of water. Always turn your shower off while soaping up and rinsing off. Select a showerhead with a flow rate not greater than 9.5 liters/minute.

Also, if it takes ages for the hot water to reach the shower, save the running water for other important uses like cleaning or watering plants, etc.


A leaking toilet can waste more than 100 liters of water every day. To check your toilets for leaks, put a few drops of edible coloring in your cistern tank. In case of any leakage, the bowl water also starts changing its color. Get it repaired as soon as possible.

Never throw your cigarette butts and tissues into the bowl as it can also pour five to seven liters of water down the drain.

Also, check toilets on a routine basis to confirm they’re working properly. Check your toilet for water level and fill valve.

Keep an Eye on Your Water Bills to Detect Wastage

An exorbitant water bill is an indication that there is leakage inside your home. Check taps, toilets, and pipes immediately to prevent water wastage.

Cover your Pools

Pool owners should specifically pay attention to their pool maintenance. Make sure to use a cover so that you don’t need to refill your pool over and over again. A pool cover is a smart investment that does not only save energy and water but also keeps your pool clean so that you don’t have to put in too much chemical or sanitizing agents to disinfect water.

In conclusion, water is precious and we all should make every possible effort to save this priceless commodity. It all begins with the right mindset. Tell your children not to play with sprinklers. Also, select plants that can grow without irrigation. Always choose the right time to water your plants to prevent evaporation and water waste. Instead of washing your vehicles at home, get them washed at a car washing station that recycles its water. And the list goes on…

There you have it. These simple yet effective tips will help you prevent water wastage at home. Keep in mind, a water-efficient home is not an option, it’s a necessity.